Fifty Shades Darker / Cincizeci de umbre intunecate (2017)

Partea a doua de la Fifty Shades of Grey, care a fost lansata la doi ani dupa primul film, reia povestea cam de unde a ramas primul film, la fel ca o carte. De obicei, al doilea film dintr-o serie reia firul povestii cu un gol de timp intre cele doua “relatari”.

Aceasta parte este mai buna, explorand mai in detaliu trecutul lui Grey si folosind mai putine clisee decat prima parte. Personal ma intreb de ce prima parte nu a explorat trecutul personajului din titlu si, ca o mica curiozitate care tine de “politica” cinematografica, de ce Dakota Johnson este prima pe distributie daca filmul este despre personajul lui Jamie Dornan? Aceasta este o intrebare care va ramane, bineinteles, fara raspuns.

Uitandu-ma la film, la felul in care incerca Grey sa o recastige pe Anastacia, nu m-am putut abtine de la o intrebare: sa fie acest personaj un soi Mister Darcy modern? Nu putem sa nu facem paralele intre renumitul domn Darcy, care a dat nastere la multe fantezii pentru femei si multe batai de cap barbatilor care le curtau (o mica gluma inofensiva 😀 ), cu poate (din pacate) si mai renumitul domn Grey, care atrage femeile mai tinere cu corpul lui perfect si cu luxuriosul penthouse din Seattle. Amandoi sunt barbati bogati, burlaci ravniti, dar care nu pot fi acompaniati in viata de orice femeie. In acelasi timp, amandoi se indragostesc de o femeie mai saraca decat ei, din afara lumii lor, o femeie care citeste mult si este o romantica incurabila. Jane Austen este mentionata in prima parte a filmului, cand Grey o intreaba pe Anastacia care dintre cei trei scriitori (Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austen, Thomas Hardy) au facut-o sa urmeze facultatea de literatura. Anastacia Steel il alege pe Hardy, insa Grey spune ca a crezut ca Austen ar fi fost raspunsul.

Dar este intr-adevar Christian Grey un Darcy modern? As zice ca nu, insa cred ca multe tinere m-ar contrazice. Grey reprezinta acel barbat care arata perfect, este increzator si este in stare sa cutremure o fata cu o singura privire, iar manierele de gentleman nu fac decat sa adauge puncte unui personaj deja ridicat la rang de model pentru barbatul dorit de fiecare femeie. La fel ca si Fitzwilliam Darcy. Insa spre deosebire de Darcy, Grey are un trecut cam negru avand in vedere ca a stat cu mama lui biologica moarta timp de trei zile pana cand au fost gasiti si ca in adolescenta a fost supusul sexual al unei femei care I-a marcat intr-un mod oribil. Da, ok, omul stia sa ofere placere, dar de la un punct incolo devine prea straniu si chiar violent, indiferent de cat de multa placere primeste vreunul dintre cei doi. Si acum stau si ma intreb… Leila, fata care ii urmarea, nu cumva era atat de distrusa nu doar din cauza faptului ca era vaduva ci si pentru ca Grey o marcase psihologic? Este cumva ea un simbol din partea autoarei ca modul lui de a face sex este, in final, unul rau si periculos?

Ar trebui totusi sa spun si de ce nu cred ca Grey este un Darcy modern. Am citit cartea “Mandrie si Prejudecata” si am vazut cele doua ecranizari, astfel incat simt ca pot face o analiza destul de bine argumentata 😀 Darcy era un domn care isi pierduse tatal (acum realizez ca despre mama lui nu se spune nimic… hm, o sa mai frunzaresc putin cartea pentru a fi sigura) si trebuise sa-si asume multe responsabilitati atat de stapan al unei mosii, cat si de protector al surorii lui mai mici cu 10 ani. Astfel incat el devenise un om rece si distant pentru ca pur si simplu nu isi putea ingadui sa fie la fel de libertin ca prietenul sau Bingley, deoarece Darcy avea de raspuns la asteptari mult mai mari.

Sigur, pentru Darcy era mult mai usor sa cucereasca o femeie, era de ajuns sa ii arate mosia lui, insa nu isi putea permite ca orice femeie sa intre in viata lui, pentru ca sora lui era usor de impresionat si dorea sa o protejeze, astfel incat sa nu mai fie in pragul unei dezamagiri care ar fi putut-o ruina pe viata (societatea anilor 1800 era mult mai dura decat cea din ziua de astazi, iar o femeie trebuia sa aiba mare grija cu ce barbat avea o relatie si mai ales cum decurgea acea relatie, avand in vedere ca atunci nu se accepta nici macar o atingere intre cei doi inainte de logodna). De aceea, sotia lui Darcy trebuia aleasa cu grija, pentru ca urma sa reprezinte modelul de femeie si sotie la care urma sa aspire Georgiana Darcy.

Christian Grey are un trecut mult diferit fata de Darcy, cea mai mare responsabilitate a sa era sa aiba un contract cat mai corect fata de ambele parti. Nu pare ca Grey era foarte implicat in compania lui, nu avea vreo grija anume fata de altcineva, iar el avusese norocul de a fi crescut de o familie adoptiva care tinea la el.

De asemenea, cel mai important lucru este ca Christian Grey era un om marcat tragic in timpul adolescentei, fapt ce ii marca foarte puternic relatiile cu femeile si viata in general, pe cand Darcy era un om normal care avea nevoie pana in adancurile sufletului lui sa gaseasca o femeie care sa il inteleaga dincolo de invelisul dur, sa il sustina si sa il iubeasca asa cum putea si el sa iubeasca: neconditionat.

Sunt de parere ca o femeie este mult mai tentata de a-l avea ca model de barbat pe Darcy si nu pe Grey, pentru ca dincolo de faptul ca Grey era bogat si arata foarte bine, problemele pe care le avea el nu puteau fi rezolvate de orice femeie, pentru ca nu orice femeie ar putea avea rabdarea si intelegerea necesare pentru a-l putea ajuta.

Si mai cred ca dincolo de cat de fascinant i s-ar putea parea unei femei sa aiba o viata sexuala incitanta, la un moment dat acest aspect ar deveni atat de mic prin comparatie cu grija, rabdarea si dedicarea necesare pentru a ajuta un barbat ca Grey, incat ea ar pleca la un moment dat. Nu spun ca unui barbat gen Darcy orice femeie i s-ar potrivi, dar mai usor este de gasit o partenera de viata pentru un Darcy decat pentru un Grey.

Legat de relatia dintre Christian si Anastacia, ar fi de punctat ca in acest film, cei doi au o relatie mult mai apropiata de normalitate, insa exista un gol lasat de lipsa scenelor in care cei doi ar avea gesturi de cuplu mai normal: nu se tin in brate, nu se tin de mana, nu sunt acele mici gesturi care dovedesc sentimentele dinte cei doi. Daca sunt impreuna, ori discuta desper relatia lor, ori ajung sa faca sex, lucru necredibil mai ales atunci cand el se intoarce dupa accidentul suferit cu elicopterul. Se presupune ca el este obosit, putin zdruncinat de ce patise si ca vrea sa aiba toata casa numai pentru el si ea astfel incat sa se linisteasca, eventual sa ii spuna ei ce s-a intamplat si, la un moment dat, sa se odihneasca. Insa rezultatul este fix pe dos. Ei raman singuri acasa si fac sex, o idee total departe de realitate. Ma rog, nu spun ca nimeni nu ar face asta in situatia data. Spun doar ca in mod normal nu asa s-ar intampla lucrurile. Insa dat fiind faptul ca el nu este normal, poate ca scena respectiva se potriveste perfect.

Tot legat de relatia dintre cei doi, este foarte frumos ca el a infruntat-o pe Elena (Kim Basinger), femeia caruia i-a fost supus, obligand-o sa o lase in pace pe Anastacia si subliniind faptul ca Elena l-a invatat sa faca sex pe cand Anastacia l-a invatat sa iubeasca. In acelasi timp, mama lui (Marcia Gay Harden) aude discutia si o da afara pe Elena din casa, chiar daca cele doua erau foarte bune prietene. In acest fel, Anastacia este protejata de Christian si mama lui, iar Christian este protejat de mama lui si de Anastacia, cei trei devenind cu adevarat o familie puternica.

Mi s-a parut putin cam inutil ca la final, Jack (Eric Johnson) sa stea pe malul lacului si sa arda chipul lui Christian dintr-o fotografie folosind o tigara. Toata scena nu face decat sa arate ca, desi totul s-a terminat cu bine si toate lucrurile au ajuns unde trebuiau sa fie, povestea nu se termina aici, ci va continua cu o a treia parte (care am inteles ca este deja anuntata pentru 2018).

Aceasta a doua parte din serie este mai buna si cu mai multa substanta decat prima parte, insa chiar daca povestea lui Grey este spusa de fapt in a doua parte, nu pot spune ca primul film nu e nevoie sa fie vazut, pentru ca in primul film sunt date cateva detalii care ajuta la intelegerea trecutului lui Grey. E ca si cum in prima parte primim un mic rezumat despre el, pentru ca mai apoi, in a doua parte, sa citim toata  biografia lui.

Faptul ca a doua parte este mai buna se reflecta si in scorul dat de utilizatorii IMDB: 4.6 / 10 fata de 4.1 / 10 pentru Fifty Shades of Grey. Acum, ca o mica gluma, daca fac mai multe filme, poate ca la un moment dat vor ajunge la un scor mai acceptabil pentru un film. Ca o paranteza, in general, un film bun are pe IMDB un scor de cel putin 6.5-7 din maximul de 10 puncte.

Mi-a placut foarte mult muzica, fiind obsedata de doua melodii anume: Sia-Helium si Halsey-Not afraid anymore. Sunt doua cantece minunate, foarte bine potrivite cu scenele din film la care sunt atasate ca fundal.

Mi-au placut scenele in care el ii delimiteaza zona in care nu poate inca sa fie atins pentru ca totul se intampla cu blandete si pot spune chiar iubire. Mi-a placut scena in care ea ii spala urmele de ruj de pe piept pentru ca arata ca intr-o relatie este nevoie de incredere. Mi-a placut scena in care ea il mangaie dupa ce el are un cosmar. Mi-a placut scena in care el se lasa in genunchi si pune mana ei pe pieptul lui, peste cicatricile cauzate de tigari care I-au ars pielea, pentru ca este o scena in care, cu toata duritatea lui, se lasa la mila ei, arantadu-I ca e pregatit sa faca orice pentru a o avea pe Anastacia langa el. Mi-a placut si scenele in care familia lui Grey o primeste pe Anstacia in casa lor si se poarta frumos cu ea, primind-o in familia lor.

Mi-a placut si scena in care Anastacia este promovata din postul de asistenta si se reface o scena pe care mama actritei, Melanie Griffith, a interpretat-o in “Working Girl” (1988). A doua asistenta vine in biroul ei si o intreaba cum va fi mai departe si cum i se va adresa, iar raspunsul este: “ma astept sa imi spui Ana. Nu ma astept sa imi aduci cafea daca nu iei si pentru tine, iar, hm, restul vom vedea pe parcurs.”

In concluzie, este un film care merita vazut datorita faptului ca povestea este mult mai bine dezvoltata decat cea din Fifty Shades of Grey si actiunea nu mai este atat de monotona si liniara ca in prima parte.

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The sequel to “Fifty Shades of Grey” was launched two years after the first film. It starts almost where the first movie left off. Usually there is a time gap between two films of the same series.

“Fifty Shades Darker” is better than the first one. It explores Grey’s past in finer details and it uses fewer clichées. Personally I wonder why hasn’t the first film been more about the titled character and, as a small curiosity regarding cinema’s “politics”, why is Dakota Johnson’s name the first one on the credits if the film is about Jamie Dornan’s character? The last question will, of course, remain unanswered.

Watching the film and seeing how Grey tried to win back Anastacia’s affection, I couldn’t help on wondering whether Christian Grey is a sort of a modern Mister Darcy. It’s impossible not to see the resemblance between the famous Mister Darcy that gave women fantasies and men many headaches in courtship (a harmless joke :D) and the maybe (sadly) even more famous Mister Grey that appeals to younger women with his perfect body and luxurious penthouse in Seattle. Both men are wealthy, eligible bachelors, that can’t be accompanied in life by any woman. At the same time, they both fall in love with women that have less money, are out of their world, women that read a lot and are incurable romantics. Jane Austen’s name is mentioned in the first film, when Christian asks Anastacia which one of the three (Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austen, Thomas Hardy) made her choose literature as a major. She says that is was Hardy and he says that he would have thought it was Austen.

So, is Christian Grey truly a modern Darcy? I would say no, but I think many young women would disagree. Grey represents the kind of man that looks great, is confident and can knock a woman off her feet with one look, while his gentleman-like manners can only add points to a type of man that has already become a model for women. Just like Fitzwilliam Darcy. But, unlike Darcy, Grey has a dark past considering that as a child he spent three days with his dead biological mother and in his teens he became the sexual submissive of a woman that marked him in a horrible manner. Yes, sure, the man knew how to give pleasure, but at the some point it all gets too awkward and violent, regardless of how much pleasure either one of the two would get from the act. Now I wonder… Leila, the girl that was following them, wasn’t she so mentally unbalanced not only because she was a widow, but also because Grey had had a strong psychological impact upon her? Isn’t she a symbol from the author that this way of having sex is, after all, dangerous?

I should also say why I don’t think that Grey is a modern Darcy. I’ve read “Pride and Prejudice” and watched both screen adaptations, so I feel like I can make a pretty good analysis 😀 Darcy was a gentleman that had lost his father (now I realise that nothing is said about his mother… hm, I’ll go through the pages of the book to make sure) and had to assume many responsibilities, from managing a large estate to being a guardian to his 10 years younger sister. That is why he became cold and distant: he couldn’t afford himself to be as free-spirited as his best friend, Bingley, because Darcy had higher expectations to meet.

Sure, it was a lot easier for Darcy to win over a woman, all eh had to do is show her his estate, but he couldn’t let any woman in his life because his sister was easily impressed and he wanted to protect her so she wouldn’t end up experiencing another disappointment that could ruin her life (the society of the 18oos was far more strict than it is today and a woman had to be very careful with which man she had a relationship and how that relationship was carried out, since in those days even the slightest touch was unacceptable before engagement). This is why Darcy’s wife had to be carefully selected because she was going to represent a model for the kind of woman and wife Georgiana Darcy would later become.

Christian Grey has a very different past from Darcy and his greatest responsibility was to have a fair contract with each woman he had sex with. He doesn’t seem to be too involved in his company, he doesn’t have to take care of anyone else and he was lucky to be raised by an adoptive family that loved him.

What’s more important is that Christian Grey is a man who was tragically affected during his teens and therefore his relationships with women and his life in general are also affected, while Darcy was a normal man who needed ‘till the depths of his sould to find a woman that could understand him past his hard shell, support him and love him like he could love: unconditionally.

I believe that a woman is far more tempted to look for a man like Darcy rather than a man like Grey because beyond the fact that Grey was handsome and rich, the problems he had could not be solved by any woman because not any woman would have the patience, understanding and dedication necessary to help him.

And I also believe that however fascinating it would be for a woman to have an exciting sex life, at some point that aspect would become insignificant compared to all the care, patience and dedication necessary to help a man like Grey that she would walk away. I’m not saying that any woman would be suited for a man like Darcy, but it is easier to find a life companion for a Darcy than it is for a Grey.

About the relationship between Christian and Anastacia I have to say that it’s closer to a normal relationship, but there is a void caused by the lack of scenes in which the two would share small gestures normal for any couple: they don’t hug, they barely hold hands, there aren’t these small gestures that prove their feelings for one another. When they are together, they talk about their relationship or they have sex, which is unbelievable when he returns from a helicopter crash. It is supposed that he is tired, a little shaken from what happened and wants to have the whole house for the two of them so he could relax, maybe tell her what happened and at some point get some rest. But what happenes is the exact opposite. The two remain alone and have sex, something that is far fetched from the reality. Well, I’m not saying to no one would do that in the same situation. I’m only saying that usually it’s not the way things would work. But since he’s not normal, perhaps the scene fits perfectly.

Also about their relationship, it’s very nice that Christian confronts Elena (Kim Basinger), the woman who was his dominant, forcing her to leave Anatascia alone and underlines the fact that Elena taught him have sex, while Anastacia taught him to love. At the same time, his mother (Marcia Gay Harden), hears the conversation and throws Elena out of her house, despite being best friends. Thus, Anastacia is protected by Christian and his mother and Christian is protected by Anastacia and his mother. The three become a very strong family.

I thought the last scene was a bit useless. Jack (Eric Johnson) stands on the other side of the lake and, using a cigarette, burns Christian’s face from a photograph. Although everything fell in the right place, the story doesn’t end here, it continues with a third part (I understood that it’ll be released in 2018).

This part is better than the first one and has more quality in the story. Even if Grey’s story is actually told in the second part, I can’t say that the first part shouldn’t be watched because it offers a few details that help understand Grey’s character. It’s as if the first part offers a summary and the second part present his biography.

The fact the “Fifty Shades Darker” is better can be noticed in the IMDB score: 4.6 / 10 (4.1 / 10 for “Fifty Shades of Grey”). To make a small joke, perhaps if they make more movies, at some point they’ll reach an acceptable score on IMDB. Usually, on IMDB, a good film has a score of at least 6.5-7 out of the maximum 10 points.

I loved the music used and I was obsessed by two songs: Sia-Helium and Halsey-Not afraid anymore. Two wonderful songs, perfect for the scenes they accompany.

I liiked the scene he shows her where she cannot touch him because there’s kindness and I dare say love in it. I liked the scene in where she washes away the lipstick border on his chest because it shows that a relationship needs trust. I liked the scene in when she calms him after he had a nightmare. I loved the scene when he drops in his knees and places her hand on his chest, over the cigarette burns, because it is a scene in which, with all of his toughness, he throws himself at her mercy, showing her that he is willing to do anything to keep her by his side. I liked the scenes in which the Grey’s receive Anastacia as a guest and treat her nice, welcoming her in to their family.

I liked the scene in which Anastacia is promoted from her job as an assistant and copies a scene her mother, Melanie Griffith, said in “Working Girl” (1988). The second assistant comes to her and asks her how things will be and how she should call her and the answer is: “I expect you to call me Ana. I don’t expect you to fetch me coffee unless you’re getting some for yourself, and, um, the rest we’ll make up as we go along.”

To sum up, it is a film that is worth seeing because it tells a more developed story than “Fifty Shades of Grey” and this one isn’t as dull and as flat as the first one.

  • Regia / Directed by: James Foley
  • Scenariul / Written by: Niall Leonard (screenplay), E.L. James (novel)
  • Distributia / Cast: Jamie Dornan, Dakota Johnson, Eric Johnson, Eloise Mumford, Marcia Gay Harden, Kim Basinger, Rita Ora

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